​​​Llano County Master Gardener Association


Board Meetings are held at Fuel Coffee House at 9:30 am on the Tuesday before the General Membership Meeting.

General Membership Meetings are held at 5:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month at the Llano Library meeting room or the extension office meeting room. The first 45 minutes of each meeting is an educational presentation that counts toward your education hours requirement. The remainder is a business meeting...and there will be food.


Your Minimum Annual Hours Commitment: 12 Volunteer Hours and 6 Education Hours

Volunteer Hours include project garden work parties or work done solo. They include activities that support our organization, outreach and events. Attending Master Gardener meetings counts. 

Education Hours include the educational component of Master Gardener meetings, classes taken elsewhere, online classes, gardening videos or printed materials.

Education Opportunities: Onsite and Online

Master Gardner Advanced Training: Take it to the next level! Take in-depth courses and become a presenter. Find out more at Texas Master Gardener


YOUR HOURS REPORT should be emailed monthly to our Timekeeper listed below. 

  • Your report should record all events that did not have a sign-in sheet from our organization.
  • Volunteer hours includes travel time. 
  • Report what was done, where you did it, how long it took and the date.​

Board of Directors

President: Kay Harrell

Vice President: Steve Boswell

​Secretary: Jane Jones

Treasurer: John Newell

Committee Chairs

Program Director: Steve Boswell

Public Relations: Nancy Carpenter

Hospitality: Elois Melton

Historian: Patti Felts

Timekeeper/Hours: Selena Wright

Webmaster: Nancy Carpenter

My gardener talked to me about edible herbs I can grow.

It was sage advice.