Project Gardens

 Llano County Master Gardeners maintain public gardens in our community. We designed these gardens and continue   to maintain them, adding plants and trees, pulling weeds, and pruning. These gardens are beautiful and   educational. Plant and tree species are native or adapted, meaning they may do well in your yard. 

Llano County Library

Llano County Library gardens surround the entrance. Master Gardeners design the beds, choose the plants, and maintain the garden beds. It is a labor of love. 

Depot Sculpture Garden

Depot Garden is a showpiece of environmentally friendly landscaping and sculptures by local artists. This once deserted rail yard features a desert garden,  butterfly garden, herb garden, rose garden, vegetable garden and areas featuring local wildflowers and grasses.

​​​Llano County Master Gardener Association

Pioneer Park

Pioneer Park is a quaint alley located between the Llano County Historical Museum and the neighboring commercial property. At one point this was a weed-choked deserted alley. Master Gardeners converted it into a beautiful pocket park. We use native and adapted plants. It is low maintenance and drought tolerant.